Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Fukuoka Avast

Well, an interesting and eventful weekend to say the least. Back in Niimi and looking forward to Friday night and a late sleep-in Saturday morning in order to recover from the weeekend past. Saturday alcohol consumption started at 7:45 (I had originally intended to wait until 8, but what the hell, I already had it in my hand) and lead to numerous bathroom breaks on our behalf. We had by far the most enthusiastic car load of passengers, even before popping tops on the bevvies. We had ET experiences, high tension (by the J語 definition of the phrase) and lots of laughs to go along with.

The afternoon plans were a visit to an aquarium, and then a very large mall, followed by dinner with all 17 of us. After dinner, I bolted off to hunt down Katherine and Miho, neither of whom I have seen in ages, for a brief rendezvous before they had to head back to Yanagawa on the last train. The following morning was surprisingly hangover free, but full of much indecision at Dazaifutenmangu shrine when I tried to get a firm time from Kuma on departure so that I could once again meet up with K-chan and Miho. We strolled around the grounds about, but I don't think I feel any smarter than I did before.

Afterwards, venturing into Kurume for some delicious ramen at a very smelly shop (and not in a good way) and then a flirtation with bird flu as we wandered through a 鳥公園 to kill time. Sleeping in the car was lovely if not too brief, and the return trip took far too long as people dawdled about after bathroom breaks. Returning to Niimi at 9, but not getting home till later was a little rough as I had yet to sort out my supplies for Monday's classes. Blame it on the birds, an unscheduled diversion from the itinerary intended merely to kill time. Hmmm, all in all it was alright, but mostly it was just good to hang out with some interesting people.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Fukuoka Ahoy?

Off for the weekend to Fukuoka with a scattering of random Niimi folk, a lot of whom I know already. Apparently I am to bring fair loads of cash to prepare myself for the copious quantities of alcohol we are expecting to drink. I love how this trip is qualifying as study / research and will probably recieve some funding from the city.

I also love how the city owns a building that anyone under 35 is allowed to use for free at nearly any time -- it has reasonably supplied music studio where I have been going to thump on the drums lately. It is also equipped with a pool table that I am looking forward to making use of some time soon.

As for other things, well, there is a St. Patrick's Day party coming up on the 17th; last weekend was drums, driving, drinking and drawing (and volleyball, but the 'v' doesn't really fit with the whole alliteration thing I have going on); the week before was absurdly skillful bowling (on my part anyway), driving and munching on strawberries. And what will follow? Who knows, but I am looking forward to it.

Live it up baby, live it up.