Friday, June 10, 2005

Another View

Some fellow foreign freaks in the area are putting together an art show of works by... fellow foreign freaks. The show will be called "Another View," and held on the top floor of a local department store. (Consumerism and art always go so well together.) It will be showing for a week, open to the Japanese public, should they wish to express an interest in foreigners' artistic points of view about the country we are temporarily residing in. I have been thinking about submitting a sketch or two or something along that lines, but I just now received an email from one of the co-ordinators and it specified that I should "let them know what the piece is, and send in a short bio." I am now feeling slightly daunted. I have some pictures I have drawn which are pretty good, but they are generally quite small and I fear that should I try to redraw it larger, I will lose the original quality which made the first version good. Having attempted to do so before, I am well aware that it is easy to lose the inspiration that made it work the first time. Perhaps I shall just take the sketch down off the wall in my apartment and hand it in as is. It shall be called "Royal Soul" and the the bio shall be ... I would prefer to leave it out. It feels like I am being forced to justify myself or my sketch or my interest in art in some way.

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