Monday, July 04, 2005


It seems I was being rather hasty when I commented on the lack of a rainy season this year, as the past few days seem set to make up for it with a vengeance. It has been raining since Friday, varying from subtle mists to light drizzles to out and out torrential downpours. And all this on the beach party weekend.

Fortunately, this year Steve was covered for the weather in a multitude of ways, as he had a vast dancefloor covered with sports festival tents, keeping the party alive despite the dampening of it all. And as I slept in my car this year -- very cozy, but also very dry -- the rain didn't have the chance to drown me in my tent.

As I was driving up to Aoya for the party, I saw a couple of houses where the infamous purple polyester sweat pants appeared to be nesting and slowly multiplying in the rain. The preponderance of fuschia-bright polyester attire for men is one of those things I doubt I will see elsewhere in the world. Even various gas stations have found a way to incorporate the fire retardant wonders into their employee uniforms, making the employees even more excited about going to work, I am sure.

Cian celebrated his 28th birthday on Friday with a rousing party at English School -- his place of business. He uses it for parties as it is in the middle of a field, surrounded primarily by businesses, and also as it is far more spacious than his one room apartment. Karaoke was provided by the guests, with the tunes and torturous tones blasting from the front of a device that reminded me of Rosie the Robot on the Jetsons. Apparently some of the disant neighbours found the singing a little too torturous for their delicate eardrums and phoned to complain about the erstwhile noise. I don't think it was such a bad thing to turn the volume down a tad, as not all of us are musically gifted.

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