Monday, November 14, 2005

Lurking in Bushes and Under Tables and Behind Computers

Friday night in Do!Do!Do! Cafe was revelatory to say the least. Spread out over 6 hours as it was, not altogether surprising that something or other should come out into the open. In this case, it was Ted, the sneaking deviant that he is. Not that I have any right to be upset -- if you post something in the wide open, what expectation can you possibly have of privacy? This does not mean I am going to go telling people about it, but I look forward to pleasant suprises once in a while when someone chooses to reveal their presence in a comment or some such.

Sarah and I, in an effort to wind down after the conference, as well as the long work week, headed straight for the delicious food and appealing eye candy to be found in Do!Do!Do! Cafe, getting a table on the second floor where we could intervene in others' lives deus ex machina-like. Or, at least comment on their lives.

1, 2, 3 hours were passed with deep-fried camembert, mango juice, vodka tonics, laughter, murderers, and leering. (Women are no better than men, really.) In the 4th, Pete's feet and close-cropped head was spotted walking by on the way to find relief. Calling him on the phone, he soon joined us, bringing Cian and Tadayuki with. It seems they would have discovered our presence soon enough anyway, as I choose not to place any harness on my laughter,, letting it come on full and loud in true pleasure, as it is meant to be.

We were treated to a bold new invention, an idea recentlyhatched in Cian's overworked mind -- Dog shoes. My practical queries were dismissed out of hand as he persisted in expounding on his folly. Pete and Cian sucked down addictive and highly caffeinated Earl Gray while Sarah sat in the corner like a 1920's movie star with her smokes and V&Ts. She nearly revealed my devious plottings to the audience, and potential offers of possible help were made, however I shall manage this on my own, and rapidly shushed her. Pete bemoaned his sickly state and when to join the girls of the next table, leaving Sarah and I (at my own instigation, unfortunately) to carry on and battle forth through a conversation about the スケベ with Tadayuki, as Cian wisely kept his head down.

After hour 6 was well on its way, we decided en masse to give up the ghost of the night, wending our way down and out into the cool and soft rain that had hurried us in six and a half hours earlier. All in all, a gorgeous way to start a weekend.


Edward J. Taylor said...

What's this? A grievance at my deviance? What good fun we'll have Nic, with sly cyber-winks across the room. (As if we don't do that already.)

Got tons o' new music for ya, when you're ready...

Nico said...

Always ready baby. Always ready.

-c said...

I THOUGHT I heard someone laughing over there... I woulda popped my head into DODoDo's also, had it not been for a hot date I had lined up...