Friday, June 02, 2006

Prima Donna Demands

When asking me if I would be willing to DJ at the next Hi!High? event way back in April, Cian asked if I had any unreasonable demands I wanted to make. I said, yes, I require 50 green peanut M&Ms. Time is getting down to the wire, and Wednesday night I got a phone call from Cian.

"Not a single green M&M. I bought and opened 23 packets -- nope, 22-- 22 packets of M&Ms and there's not a single green one. I thought you might be putting me on, but there is a picture of the green one on the package. "

I couldn' stop laughing. I told him I would willingly accept red or something, but he said no, he was determined to succeed, and was going off hunting again last night in search of more. I have yet to hear how that turned out.


Anonymous said...

your friend must not know that the spring package contains many many green M & Ms. Has he gained a few cavities or pounds while he searches?

Anonymous said...

Can u tell this is my first try at commenting to a blog? This is the first blog I have read. Should check out Chris's blog, Nico

Nico said...

Well, I offered him some of my secret stash of green M&Ms but he refused them... Stubborn man, he is.

And other anon, well done!! You've popped our cherry and are now out there in the great wide open ether. And I do check Chris's (if you mean the same Chris I do); it is listed in my bookmarks. He just rarely updates it so I only look at it once every couple of weeks.