Monday, September 26, 2005

Fall is in the Air

Friday was the autumnal equinox holiday here, and friends and I made good use of it by devouring fine cuisine at Viva Shiva before heading off to Headspin in fair Tottori. We danced and didn't, as technical difficulties were experienced with a multitude of mixers. We hung out on the patio, enjoying the cool temperatures, chatting with old friends rarely seen at Headspin, chatting with new ones never before met, and chatting up tall surfers. All in all a beautiful way to start the season.

Night temperatures have fallen recently -- so much so that last night, I wore a sweatshirt indoors for the first time since spring sprang. Although, driving to Yonago to return videos a day late and a few dollars short, I discovered temperatures in fair Saihaku were 5 degrees below that of a more temperate Yonago. Already getting ready for winter, it seems.

Sunday was spent walking, cleaning, video watching, laundry doing and in other untaxing affairs.

Updates in the city -- Cian is now a brown belt; after intense training for the past month he can once again relax and partake in the occasional alco-bevvie. Corinne's apartment is no more. Well, it is still standing, although I sometimes queried how, but it is no longer to be inhabited by denizens of the JET community as the roach infestation grew to be too much for the new Hochu ALT to handle.

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