Monday, January 16, 2006

Do, do, do at the Do! Do! Do!

Conversation with Diane and Sarah ranged from work and snow to grey hairs and pride and being off men; the skinniness of Hiro and the deliciousness of food; smoking, excercising and other life choices for your health; participation in and ditching of social activities; sex and christening and the very 久しぶり nature it; obligations and disepensations; shiny party clothes and sparkly body parts and strappy party shoes and the creating of occasions to wear them; "It's cute" and grammar revision. And then there was Pete and Cian. Promises of golf and fucking, although not necessarily at the same time; concurrence that in fact people are more likely to jump bones right before they leave; years of abstinence in hopes of promises fulfilled; hot birds and too wearing in Japanese; karaoke plans that don't happen; decisions to create fun music compilations for the restaurant featuring quality tracks from "Dirty Dancing;" sempais and kohais and verbal laziness and required duties; venturing forth into the territory of, "it's sexy" during a friends well-timed trip to a washroom; party invitations and disappointing declinings; finally introductions are made and small joys are had.

Once again a good night followed by a relaxing weekend of random chores and work obligations and general idling.

And I have yet to unpack my suitcases and remove them from the front hall. I get dressed in the morning by picking various articles out of whichever pile I am stumbling through.

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