Thursday, January 12, 2006


Three weeks plus off on relaxing warm vacation and mellowing English conversation, and now, thrown rapidly back into the mix of work and cold and Japanese incomprehension. Not ready for my system to handle it, and looking desperately forward to 5 o'clock tomorrow night, as I should be off by then.

Mild and indirect disapproval from various sources with regards to my having taken Tuesday off, as I arrived back in Nanbu 11:30 Monday night. I however have held back on relaying the information to all regarding my activities on Tuesday (banking and a visit to Sakaiminato's immigration office, both of which needed to be completed before 3 o'clock, and grocery shopping, as there was absolutely no fresh groceries in my fridge) as I believe that as long as I am responsible enough to inform everyone beforehand that I will be taking vacation days, what I do with them is of no concern to anyone.

I once read a quote that suggested something to the effect, the free-est person is one who can turn down a dinner invitation without giving a reason why. My reasons are my own, and if I believe them to be important enough to pursue, then justification to others is merely a waste of my own time and effort. But then, most people that know me already realize that they will not get me to do something I don't want to do anyways, so there you have it.

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