Friday, January 20, 2006

Timing is Everything

It's one of those days when I can feel myself becoming more and more ill as the day progresses. And naturally, it is one of those days that I can't take off, and before a weekend I don't want to miss out on. The big day being Monday means that the last 打ち合わせ時間 will be today, before the weekend. Everyone, except for me, being paranoid about what is going to be happening wants to discuss it to the most minute detail. I just want to curl up under a warm blanket with some hot cider and good drugs, and go to sleep for hours and hours in the hopes this bug flees from me. And the weekend, well that is just jam-packed with good stuff too. Tonight involves a brandied Christmas pudding and a friend's good cooking, before tomorrow's venturing out to see Arsenic and Old Lace in To-shi. Sunday is all planned out as well - a mellow afternoon in one of the upstairs booths at my favourite cafe with the aforementioned friend, studying Japanese amidst デッカイ cookies and delicious drinks. And naturally, I can't do anything about Monday either, what with 54 people from Western Tottori coming to view the class which is making everyone paranoid (now that I have a plan, I feel much better about it, just wish I could get everyone else feeling the same way so that I could go to bed).

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