Thursday, October 06, 2005


Eating lunch with one of my 6th grade classes to do, I was informed how often one of the boys, "Mr. Yoshi" according to his classmate, bleeds from his nose. Nearly everytime he gets angry it seems. A girl sitting next to my lunchtime narrator threw in that Mr. Yoshi used an entire roll of toilet paper for his nose in the space of a month. That is a lot of nosebleeds, leading me to query, "and he's not dead yet??"

Utterly unrelated, on my way back to the staffroom, I passed along the hallway where half of the students' bag supplies are kept. In the hallway, there is a bag for PE gear, music, home economics supplies... In the classroom, the bags for art, shuuji, toothbrush and toothpaste and place mat, as well as the standard knapsack, and anything else they may have felt the urge to 持っていく to school that day.

I have been witness to small children stumbling home from school, accidentally stepping on a fallen strap slung over their shoulders and around their neck, crashing unconscious to the curb as the various bags and their weight fly off in different directions, strangling the life out of the poor bastards.

Just cause you don't hear about bag deaths doesn't mean they don't happen.

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