Thursday, October 13, 2005


"Hard Gay" seems to have seeped its way into elementary schools as well... Yesterday, during lunch with one of the 2nd grade classes, I was treated to several impromptu performances of the hard gay "dance" (too generous a description?) and accompanying "Fuuuuuuuuu!" by several 7 year old boys. Aaah, life is good.

The Hard Gay moves! Making its way across the nation, invading schools, libraries and rest homes! And you too can be a hard gay dancer! It's a dream for many, and you can make it happen! Just put on a little leather -- jocks; vests; village people hats and dog collars -- and follow these simple steps!!

1. Stand with your legs fairly wide apart, knees slightly bent.
2. Lean your upper body back a little bit.
3. Straighten your hands, fingers tight together.
4. With you hands moving in synchronicity, make a rapid up and down motion (angled, like a V-shape) moving towards, then away from, your crotch.
5. All the while, make a loud and long shout of "Fuuuuuuuuuu!" (to rhyme with wooooo).

There you have it, now go out there and share the love with random strangers on the streets!

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