Wednesday, February 01, 2006


It's one of those grey, rainy days, where not even the rain has enough energy to come down with any sense of ambition. One of those days where you belong in bed with a book and some music and roaring, crackling fire to keep you entertained. One of those days where you just feel idle and aimless, and are probably better off not being at work, as it will be blatant to everyone you are doing nought but avoiding work. One of those days where you hit the snooze button over and over again until the last possible moment, all the while glancing over at your phone and pondering how easy it would be just to call in sick, or even to take the morning off...

But instead, I dragged my bleary self out of my too brief hibernation and made it to work (only 2 minutes late, as I was muddling about trying to protect my basket of school supplies from getting wet in the drear), where I have, despite all my better instincts, managed to actually get some work done. In fact, I suspect I may be caught up until next Monday, if not Tuesday. And now, the life enegy sucked out of me by the grey and a very active recess break, I am going to kick back with a mikan and some chocolate and space case the weather.


-c said...

I hate to do this to you, but I was outside all day chopping wood in a t-shirt, and loving the Cali sun. Maybe your next winter should be spent here... C'mon- you know you want to live in Shuwa-chan's state!

Nico said...

I don't think my moral conscience, as minimal and nearly non-existant as it is, would allow me to descend to such a level, despite the promises of good weather. Besides, I really really like spring and fall...